May Madness

Tourney Director hanging out at Turkey Swamp

Action in the open division

May Madness is a premium event that features 12 Open Teams from the nearby region in a single day, straight to bracket event.

Tournament Info: 

Date: May 4, 2025

Location:  Turkey Swamp Park at 200 Georgia Road Freehold, NJ

Price: $275

Steps to Register:

This event is registering under rolling admission.  Teams who complete the three steps will be confirmed as in the event.

Schedules and Results:

The schedule and results for each division will appear on using the links below.  The anticipated schedule is a classic 8 team bracket for the top tier and a round robin in pool of 4 for the lower division. Therefore, all teams will have 3 consecutive games scheduled. 

Full Tournament Schedule

May Madness Team Registration