DEVYLopmental is a developmental ultimate frisbee program run by Delaware Valley Youth League (DEVYL). It is a beginner-friendly summer program, oriented to male and female high school students (as well as middle school students for more experienced players).
The DEVYLopmental program is:
A summer ultimate frisbee team with once per week practices
Designed to build in-depth ultimate frisbee skills and an understanding of how the game is played
Run by the DEVYL (Delaware Valley Youth League) organization
We aim to:
Introduce new players to the game of ultimate frisbee and support growth for mid-level experienced players
Give players the opportunity to make new friends in a fast-growing sport
Provide players with an outstanding group of coaches who are excited to teach
Most importantly, make sure members have fun playing!
Practice Days: Tuesday, once per week. Starting June 11th and ending July 23rd (skipping the July 2nd session). Our rain date will be July 30th and there will be 6 Sessions total
Practice Times: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Field Location: Edison Intermediate School: 800 Rahway Ave, Westfield, NJ 0709
How to sign up for DEVYLopmental:
Join or Renew your USA Ultimate Membership
Send payment via check or PayPal
Online Payment ($145) - Click Link for Credit Card or Paypal payment
To pay by check ($140): Checks can be made out to the Delaware Valley Youth League and Sent to PO Box 305 Westfield NJ 07090
Note: We do not want players to be turned away due to lack of funds. If this situation applies you, please email
Get excited! Coaches will email players details before the first practice
Sign up deadline: June 20th (late sign-ups are possible but cost remains the same, please reach out to